Stationary Fuel Cells

Markets and Applications

Fuel cells are an innovative energy source that generate electricity through a clean, non-combustion process that results in a dramatically lower air emission profile as compared to combustion-based generation. Fuel cells are also highly efficient, they produce more power per unit of fuel, and offer an alternative to traditional power generation that provides significantly more health, reliability and environmental benefits.

Fuel cells have become increasingly popular as the electric grid continues to age and the world faces more natural disasters and other unanticipated outages. Fuel cell systems allow customers to transition from the grid to clean, onsite power production with benefits that include lower energy costs, improved efficiency, guaranteed resiliency, and virtually zero emissions. Fuel cells can also be an essential element of local community Microgrids that are designed to keep critical functions operational when grid power goes down.

Broad Applications and Customer Base
Fuel cell customers include local municipalities, retail stores, manufacturers, utilities, and telecommunication and technology companies. Compared to solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind systems, quiet fuel cell systems have a much smaller land use footprint and can be installed either inside or outside, and close to buildings with minimal environmental impact. Fuel cells now provide primary and backup power in both stationary and mobile applications in the U.S. (46 states) and around the world.

Large Fuel Cells: 100 Kilowatts to Tens of Megawatts

On-site Baseload Generation

On-site 24/7 generation of electrical baseload for commercial, industrial and public-sector installations with waste-heat recovery for co-generation of Combined Cooling, Heating and Power (CCHP) applications

Ballard Power Systems

Bloom Energy

Doosan Fuel Cell America

FuelCell Energy, Inc.



On-site Baseload Generation with Renewable Fuels

On-site 24/7 generation of electrical baseload using on-site renewable fuels or directed biogas* with waste-heat recovery for co-generation or CCHP applications

Bloom Energy

Doosan Fuel Cell America

FuelCell Energy, Inc.



On-site Baseload Generation for Utility Grid Support

TIGER (Transmission Integrated Generation Energy Resource) stations that can be installed at utility substations to augment electrical supply to the grid

Bloom Energy

Doosan Fuel Cell America

FuelCell Energy, Inc.


Co-Generation of Hydrogen

Sited at or near locations needing hydrogen feedstock (such as refineries, chemical plants, refueling stations, warehouses and distribution centers), with the ability to change the ratio of electricity and hydrogen generated as dictated by demand

FuelCell Energy, Inc.

Fuel Cell/Gas Turbine Power Generation

Large-scale hybrid generation systems that combine fuel cells and gas turbines to maximize the efficiency of electricity-only power generation
LG Fuel Cell Systems


Small Fuel Cells: Less Than 100 Kilowatts

Critical Backup Power

Used to provide backup power in remote locations and on-site to businesses that depend on an uninterruptible
supply of electrical power, including telecommunications and highway/railway signaling



Ballard Power Systems



Fuel Providers

Regional Distribution of Natural Gas for Fueling Stationary Fuel Cells

Southern California Gas Company,
a Sempra Energy Utility

Fuel Cell Component Suppliers

Components for Both Mobile and Stationary Applications Johnson Matthey

